為慶祝本院聯校專頁的成立,各家長及外界朋友只需到訪鄰近屬下的幼稚園,向教職員展示已完成以下2個簡單步驟,即可換領小禮物乙份, 歡迎各位踴躍參與!
步驟1: 讚好(Like)專頁(專頁: TWGHs Kindergartens )
步驟2: 將專頁以貼文分享到自己Facebook
To celebrate the establishment of our TWGHs Kindergarten page,our parents or the public could visit one of our kindergartens,and show our staff your completion of the following steps. A gift would be rewarded for your support. We look forward to meeting you all.
Step 1: Like our page (Our page: TWGHs Kindergartens )
Step 2: Share our page to your Facebook